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Nov. 3, 2022

The Mid-Term Elections - Conversation w/ Arizona Voters Part 2

The Mid-Term Elections - Conversation w/ Arizona Voters Part 2

“We don’t like to talk about these things because they’re not sexy,” says Elizabeth Coleman Gordan, of the work required to actually implement change in communities. She and her husband Geoffrey, join Michael for part two of their conversation about the political climate in Arizona as the mid-term elections approach. Michael and Geoffrey both agree that too many people expect instant gratification, and aren’t realistic about the political process.

Several of the most pressing issues of the day are discussed. The hypocrisy of the way we both shun immigrant populations, while relying on their labor. The factors that led to inflation and supply chain issues that, despite Republican talking points, have nothing to do with Joe Biden. And why the overturning of Roe v. Wade may be what tips Arizona elections in the Democrats favor.

As a biracial couple, Elizabeth and Geoffrey discuss their experience of raising three young men through the Trump era, why America needs to put in some hard work,  and how their predominantly white area has been shifting more towards diversity.


  • “Honestly, when people are accepting aid, or they know someone who's accepting aid, it's because well, they're one of the good ones. But those people getting aid, that other kind of aid, they're not one of the good ones. Folks, in so many ways, if you were on the island from Lord of the Flies, you 100% would have killed that little Piggy boy. Really, you would not have been one of those supportive, cooperative, loving, great and kind people. You would have massacred each other and it's sad to see it.” (34:18-35:02 | Elizabeth)
  • “Infrastructure isn’t sexy. The solutions aren't going to be easy. The solution for infrastructure is almost always going to be some kind of attack so that you can rebuild or increase infrastructure. The solution to the water problem is, ‘Hey, guess what, nobody gets to have lawns. You need to have either rocks or fake grass because we can't be spending money on lawns.” (38:51-39:21 | Elizabeth)
  • “For me, there's this concern that we're not going to be able to do hard things. Doing hard things takes practice. And if we get out of the practice of putting our heads together, as citizens, as constituents, as legislators, and doing hard things, then we're not going to be in a position 20 years down the road, 40 years down the road, where other nations are willing to do the hard things, to really put in that time. America has always been known to put in the hard work, even despite all of her issues, she has been known to put in this hard work.” 42:39-43:18 | Geoffrey)





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