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Nov. 22, 2023

Raw & Uncut - Circus w/in the House

Raw & Uncut - Circus w/in the House

“They live in a completely different world, and that world is disassociated with the majority of Americans,” says Sam Jean, friend of the show, who joins Michael for another episode of Raw & Uncut, where they talk about the chaos erupting in the House of Representatives under the (lack of) leadership of the GOP. Ignoring any separation of church and state, Republican leaders are making sectors such as healthcare, academia, law enforcement political and the fallout is manifold. Not only does this discourage people from pursuing positions in these fields, the dire need for personnel forces the barrier to entry lower and lower and the populace continues to lose. 

Of course, politicians themselves will never feel these effects. Worse yet, Sam and Michael are convinced they don’t do it for any other reason than for attention, relevance and to curry favor particularly with Donald Trump. As Sam notes, as much as Republicans complain about what Democrats are doing, they never present a viable alternative. They have no agenda or even a plan. 

Join another lively discussion as the two friends discuss the doomed fall of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, the white-washing of Black history in schools, and why no one should be taking courses from Prager University. 


  • “If you're thinking like a MAGA Republican, it makes perfect sense. They don't believe in government. They don't believe government is good for anything. And so their whole approach to governing is disruption.” (13:35 | Sam)

  • “Republicans are rebels with only one cause: and that cause is Donald Trump.” (15:21 | Sam)

  • “[Republicans] live in a completely different world, and that world is disassociated with the majority of Americans.” (20:22 | Sam) 

  • “With the current trend of the MAGA ultra-rhetoric that comes out, we are seeing an increase of people opting out of education because it's been politicized, opting out of the medical field, particularly when it comes to maternity, because, just like you've mentioned, they don't want to be when they have to make a medical decision for fear of a lawsuit. We have people opting out of law enforcement, because of that particular field being politicized. So where do we go with this because we're seeing this trend continuing on, and in the end, who's going to suffer?” (24:03 | Michael) 

  • “Everybody thinks that their perspective is valid. That's just natural. But for a long time, in this country, we deferred to people who were subject matter experts. We deferred to teachers, doctors, scientists, sociologists or psychologists. Now we don't. Everybody, on some level, feels like they have a certain level of subject matter expertise, whether it is because they've read things on Wikipedia, or they've seen YouTube documentaries. Everybody thinks that they're an expert on things.” (45:41 | Sam)





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